Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Character Building - My Top 6 Traits


Besides “not lying,” what does honesty mean?  The most immediate thought is usually about words, about truthfulness.  But honesty also includes being upright morally, “living honestly.”

Honesty is a component of integrity which means our actions, our life, our words, our thoughts are consistently the same.  We don’t say one thing, then do something different.  We do not live or act one way in a certain setting, then another way when we are somewhere else or are with different people.  We are consistent in our behavior toward the wealthy person and to the poor person.


Honesty also is a part of ethics.  Our ethics are the principles by which we live, that govern our activities in business and relationships.  It would include treating others as we wish to be treated.  It means a business owner gives a fair deal for a fair price.  It means you do not cheat a store when making a purchase.  You do not shoplift.  It means a worker gives a full day’s work for a full day’s pay.  Those are ethics. 

Honesty with Money

The book of Proverbs says,
The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him. (PR. 11:1) NIV

Better to be poor and honest than to be dishonest and rich. (Pr. 28:6) NLT

This was a situation where someone might have one set of scales for weighing a purchase in the marketplace, but another for using in sales.  Each was off a bit to the advantage of the business owner.  You might get a little less than what you paid for if you purchased something from him.  He might get more than he paid for if he was buying from a supplier.  This was dishonest.  Several translations say it is an abomination to the Lord.  He hates it.

Abraham Lincoln was famously called “Honest Abe.”  He was known for being very honest and conscientious in business dealings.  He worked at a store, and when he accidentally returned less change than someone was due, he would walk great distances to return a few pennies.  (  This may seem silly, but when you realize a bricklayer might make $1.53 per day, a fireman $1.33 per day, and a farm laborer $0.88 per day, a few pennies was the equivalent of several dollars today. (

Honesty Builds Trust

Everyone wants to be believed.  A person who is known to be dishonest is one to whom people do not listen.  Remember the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? If you have ever known someone who lies habitually, you know you do not put stock in what they say.  You take everything they say with a grain of salt.  A child who lies will be doubted again and again, even when they are telling the truth.  Teach your child to build trust through being honest.

Lying to Get Out of Trouble

It is very normal for a child to lie to get out of trouble.  But you cannot let it work.  We increased consequences for our children if we caught them lying.  We lessened consequences if they were truthful.  This is a case of normal, but not acceptable.  Teach your child that building trust is important and valuable.

Bending the Truth

What about shades of dishonesty?  Bending the truth, coloring the truth, exaggerating?  While the Bible tells stories of certain Bible characters’ behavior that weren’t rigidly honest, these are few and extreme circumstances.  An example would be David pretending to be insane when confronted by King Achish (see 1 Samuel 21:12-15 and the introduction to Psalm 34).  Generally, our behavior, including telling stories other than those for creative purposes should be honest and forthright.

Why would we want to exaggerate or lie?  To have someone think better of us?  To be a people-pleaser rather than a God-pleaser?  When you work with a child to improve behavior, talk about what they did and why they did it.  Then you can help them to know themselves, to be aware of weaknesses and tendencies.  Teach them not to give themselves away in pieces, especially for something so fleeting.

Just Kidding

And then there’s the jabbing statement, followed by “Just kidding.” Isn’t it interesting that that is actually in the Bible?!  Take a look at Proverbs 26:18-19:
Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death
19 is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”     (NIV)
Just as damaging as a madman shooting a deadly weapon
19 is someone who lies to a friend and then says, “I was only joking.” (NLT)

Our communication should be clear and open.  Say what you mean.  Use precise word to convey your meaning well.  You can even ask someone you are talking with to repeat what they understood you to mean.  You may find that it needs adjusting.  What you said is good.  What they heard and understood is even more important.

Being Honest with Yourself

Lastly, and perhaps more vitally, is being honest with yourself.  Romans 12:3 says,
For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. (NIV)

Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. (NLT)

We like to think we are always right, that our plans are the best ideas.  Yet we see ourselves when we overdraw the bank account, when we do the face-plant in the front yard, when we absent-mindedly cut someone off in traffic.  And when we see ourselves when we do those things on purpose.  Being honest with yourself in times like those will help us evaluate ourselves honestly, and work on continuing to improve and grow.

For more parenting help go to or consider my book, Intentional Parenting: A Guide for Christian Parents.  There is also a Small Group guide with discussion questions for couples or groups.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Character Building - My Top Six Traits

Work Ethic

What do you think are the most important character traits for children to have ingrained?  The list might differ a bit for each family, but it is a good exercise to think about what you really want. 

When teaching parenting classes, I have asked that question a number of times.  Invariably, parents are stumped when asked what the most important traits they feel they want to impart to their children.  It is much easier to think of the character traits we don’t like.  We don’t like them to lie.  We don’t like laziness.  We don’t like when they mouth off or are rebellious.  But think about it proactively.  What do you want?

Parents would do well to have a heart to heart discussion and ask one another, “What do we want our kids to be known for?”  Scripture says,

Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.  Pr. 20:11 (NLT)


My husband and I wanted our kids to have a great work ethic.  When our kids got old enough we divvied all the household chores among the five of them.  Anything they could learn to do, I was to teach them.  They learned to do dishes, do their own laundry, cook, shop, and clean.  This wasn’t about me getting out of my duties, this was equipping them to have a pleasant life.  Everyone helped, everyone enjoyed the results of a clean house, good food, and so on.  Certainly, life was not going to do everything for them when they grew up.


We taught our kids to work hard, then to play hard.  When it was time to work, we were all in.  We cleaned thoroughly.  We did homework to the best of our ability.  We were some of the hardest workers at church service projects.  At home, we rewarded hard work and efficiency.  We taught our children when the work was done you could play all you wanted.   

The book of Proverbs talks about work 17 times.  One example:

                Wise words bring many benefits, and hard work brings rewards.  Pr. 12;14 (NLT)


We also taught them that when we went camping or visited someplace, we left things as good or better than when we came.  We cleaned up our trash.  We put our fire out completely.  Have you ever gone to a park and wondered why the people who were there previously didn’t bother to put their trash where it belonged?  Were they just too important to be bothered?  Were they too self-centered?  Probably.

We taught our kids to think of others – how does our behavior affect the next person who would use the space we were leaving?  It also required a little personal dignity, caring enough to do the right thing and be well-respected.


Hard work is also about self-respect.  You have to live with the results of what you do.  You will be known for what you do – and don’t do.  Stahnkes are not slackers or users.  Even when we borrowed something (like a tool), we returned it clean and in good shape, often better than when we got it.  If we borrowed my parents’ car or someone’s pickup truck, we returned it with more gas in it than when we got it.

When our oldest son got his first job at a small grocery store, it wasn’t long before he was asked if he had any siblings old enough to work also.  He was such a good worker and had such a good attitude, they hoped to find more help like him.  Our now-grown children are known at their various jobs for their excellence and productivity.  A friend recently said, “Are all Stahnkes so amazing?”  Happily, I could say, “Yes!”

Keeping Commitments

There is a tough verse in Psalm 15 that says, “The righteous man keeps his oath even when it hurts.”  It is easy to volunteer when everyone is talking about taking on a project.  But if you have to show up on a hot day to do yard work, it is less attractive when the day gets there.  Sometimes we must keep our word when we really would rather not.  Teaching this to kids, talking about it is a powerful thing.  We used to explain to the kids that some days Dad did not really want to go to work.  He would rather stay home and watch movies all day.  But what would we do if he got fired?  We needed him to keep that job, keep his commitments.


There is a certain amount of work required in relationships.  Sometimes it takes the form of patience and kindness when someone is grouchy.  Sometimes it means sticking with a spouse through hard times.  Parents MUST be the example here.  There will be times when our marriages are not fun.  There will be times when raising children will not be joyful.  There will be disagreements, arguments, and other problems.  Sometimes relationships are just plain hard work.  Stahnkes embrace the hard work.

The best things in life don’t come easily.  Teach your kids to love hard work, to have the self-respect to be known for it.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Character Building – Persistence and Diligence

For most of us, absolutely nothing comes easy.  As we watch the Olympic athletes at this year’s Winter games, it is fascinating to hear the back story about the price these young people have paid to be top in their sport.  One skier talked about wishing she could let up, take a nap or watch a movie instead of practicing and practicing.  But her coach advised her that would not get her where she wanted to go.  She had to dig in and keep working.

Parents often find themselves in those coaching struggles with their children.  Kids may want to sluff through on chores.  You have to make them come back and do them over.  (And over, sometimes!)  You may have to be the “bad cop” when it comes to practicing the musical instrument they convinced you they wanted to learn to play.  Persistence and diligence are required if they want to get beyond those early basic songs and drills.
For one of our children, academic things came pretty easy – until he got to about 5th grade when things took that cognitive jump.  He was upset that he was actually going to have to work at his schoolwork.  He would have to think, and struggle, and strive to learn.  Of course, I could have softened things, made them easier, dumbed them down.  Moms are often tempted to easy our kids’ load, to make things fun, but that would not have served him well in the long run.  His mind was made for higher things and greater challenges.  So, in spite of his objections, he had to press through.

What does scripture say about diligence?
He becomes poor who works with a slack and idle hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Pr. 10:4 Amp. Classic)

The hand of the diligent will rule, but the slothful will be put to forced labor. (Pr. 12:24 Amp. Classic)

Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men. (Col. 3:23 Amp. Classic)

Paul talked about pressing in when things were difficult.  (Phil. 3:12-1

It is important to help kids learn to do hard things.  Teens who have not had to do chores, who have not learned to manage money, who have not had to pay for any car insurance or expenses will have a rude awakening when they leave home.

One of our children had learning disabilities.  Learning to read was difficult.  Thankfully, a friend who was an education expert encouraged me to be even more thorough with teaching her the phonics foundations as she learned to read.  In time she became a great reader, though not fast.  She read with great understanding and recall.  She reads classics for fun now.  Throughout her difficult school years, she fought and trudged through.  Now she knows she can do anything.  She can learn anything.  She is an accomplished young woman with a great job because of her persistence and diligence.

Help your children set goals to accomplish hard things, whether it is becoming an Eagle Scout, learning to play and instrument, taking a college class during high school, or building a model of a historic building.  Help them see the steps it will take.  Break giant tasks into bite-sized pieces.  Help them hang in there instead of giving up when it becomes difficult.  Then celebrate the reward they receive for their persistence and diligence.

For more parenting help go to or consider my book, Intentional Parenting: A Guide for Christian Parents.  There is also a Small Group guide with discussion questions for couples or groups.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Importance of Immediate Obedience

As I walked down the mountain, our 3-year-old daughter ran on ahead, like always.  She was a high-energy kid.  I smiled to myself.  Then I saw that she was not slowing down as she came to the row of parked cars.  AND I saw a car whizzing around the hairpin turns that went past the park and visitor’s center.  In that instant I knew that our beautiful, active child was on a direct collision course with that car she could not see coming as she ran between parked cars.  “Amanda, STOP!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs!  She screeched to a halt, heels skidding on the gravel, leaning backward to make the stop.  WHISH!   The shiny beamer whisked by, maybe a foot away from her astonished face.  Oh, dear Lord!  She burst into tears and I ran to hold her, thanking her for being so quick to obey.

Several times in the course of their young lives, we will probably catch our children on the verge of doing something disastrous – putting a necklace into an electrical outlet, climbing out a window to sneak around to their sister’s adjacent room (on the 2nd floor) or reaching for a pot of boiling soup on the stove.  Yup, my kids have done all those things.  In that moment we do not have time to explain why they need to obey.  We do not have time to argue about why they should obey.  They just must.  Quickly.  Thankfully, in most cases, I caught them, or they survived the potential mishap without severe injury.  Often, I would get that nudge from the Holy Spirit, “You better go check on them.”  And they were headed for big trouble, like pulling out dresser drawers to climb up on top.

Parents hesitate to require obedience.  They are often willing to get into discussions (a.k.a. arguments) over when or how obedience should happen, if at all.  Young children need to obey first, then have an explanation of the importance of what you have asked them to do.  You are not a petty tyrant, just jerking them around.  Older children may need more explanation on the front end, but they should still be ready for the emergency “STOP” you may call out.  Prepare them for life as an adult when there are plenty of things we have to obey – God’s laws and morals, civil authorities, and even bosses.  Not all things adults live with are fair or equal or likable either.

I love the verse, “If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat of the good of the land.” (Is. 1:19) Sounds like the blessings of obedience are worth it.  Talk to your kids about how obedience makes us happy.  Disobedience makes life miserable.  And everyone around you is affected by it.

Our family had a disabled friend years ago who had been terribly injured at 3 when she opened a car door and fell out of a moving car.  Don’t be afraid of being in charge, of directing your children.  Be vigilant and teach them to respond immediately to your voice.

For more parenting help go to or consider my book, Intentional Parenting: A Guide for Christian Parents.  There is also a Small Group guide with discussion questions for couples or groups.